
Posts Tagged ‘foul cascade’

Rift: Expert Foul Cascade

March 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Expert Foul Cascade

Krasimir Barionov

Like the standard version, this boss summons 3 phase of mobs at you. Clear them down and on the last phase of summoning, he will be consumed and change into a different mob. What he does is throw these AoE on the ground that you have to avoid and Tank and Spank it.

Matron Verosa

Also like the standard version, Matron Verosa comes with Lesch and Gurze. However, this time Lesch is much more annoying and does Staggering Blitz a lot more. Not too hard since it can be healed through. First knock down Verosa down some, then she’ll unleash Lesch. When Lesch is at around 75%, Gurze will be unleashed. Tank should face Gurze away from the group . After Gurze is taken down some, both will be unleashed. You can either kill one by one, or both at once for the achievement. Just remember to face Gurze away from the party and heal the Staggering Blitz. After both is taken down, Matron Verosa will take on the fight. She will do Death Storm like usual, which needs to be AoE healed. You can spread out, but the targetted AoE is somewhat large.

Surin Skenobar

Surin Skenobar this time is a bit different. Not only does he blink towards someone, he’ll also drop a bomb keg on the person. What you do when there’s a dynamite keg under your leg? You run. You run like hell. Oh shit, you ran into someone else! BOOM! Don’t get exploded by your keg or someone else’s or else BOOM! and no achievement for you. After the 5 kegs, AoE Heal up! Because the keg still does AoE damage. That’s all you need to know.


Sparkwing is a flying birdy in a puff of storm cloud. He roams all around north east and south part of the map. He is quite far up in the sky, but if you see a lightning storm cloud that would be him. This is an easy tank and spank boss. What he does is PBAoE lightning move. So if DPS can go range, do it.  This is an Expert dungeon; people should have multi roles should they want to continue doing end-game for situation like this to make this encounter even easier.

Tephra Lord Maficros

Before you fight this boss, you actually have to clear an earth rift. This comes in a couple packs of spiders and scorpions. After that, lesser earth elemental (orelings) and these red earth elemental.  Watch out for the red earth elemental since it can do AoE move that hurts a lot, and can 1 shot. In this phase there will also be red glowing half spheres that pop around a random player. What this do is knock you up in the sky, damages you, and place a stacking healing debuff on you. Everyone should avoid it, esp the tank. When you finish the initial stages, Tephra Lord Maficros will spawn along with a sidekick that will unleash Queen Vallnara by knocking the 3 stone pillars down. You can ignore the sidekick and go straight for Maficros. Remember, the red sphere will still be there so avoid it. Also like the smaller version, it does nasty moves to close range melee, don’t stand in front. Ranged DPS would be good. Tank avoid spank!

Optional: You can kill the sidekick first before it kill the 3 things for an achievement. HOWEVER! If you do this, Vallnara gets corrupted and she’ll pop 2 spiders each instead of 1 every time she impregnates people. If you think you can handle this, ie: Heal is good and DPS is good then by all means do it. The sidekick has around 47k HP I believe. Since there will be a lot of spiders, the tank has to grab them all and DPS have to AoE them down since it will get nasty.

Queen Vallnara

This boss is annoying since the poison she spews out from her ass is barely visible. What you do is have the tank walk backwards around and grab the adds. If there are melee DPS, they better be sure they can avoid the poison by not actually meleeing at the back. They are a liability anyways so they should go ranged. Once it impregnates someone, there’s a short time the spider adds that spawns won’t do anything. The tank have to grab the adds and the one that got impregnated should be healed since it also applies DoT to them. Focus all DPS on the boss and have support heal and you can take her down.

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